42 Lviv Blvd
Phone: 905-725-2617
Fax: 905-725-2619
Pray for Ukraine / Молись за Україну

Вітаємо! Welcome!

Our Congratulations to His Excellency Bryan Bayda who has been appointed as Eparch of Toronto and Eastern Canada. Your Grace, we wish you the best of success in your Arch Pastoral ministry for Many and happy years.

Weekly Bulletin page

LIVESTREAM WORSHIP at St. George's Church

Resources for Ukrainian newcomers

Our Aims and Purposes

To welcome, as brothers and sisters in Christ, people of all ages, from all different backgrounds, who seek comfort, healing and hope in these anxious troubled times.

To keep alive the faith and traditional rich and joyous style of worship of the Eastern (Byzantine) Catholic Church, providing worship experiences in both Ukrainian and English.

To work to build a nurturing environment that seeks to satisfy the spiritual and social needs of all, children, youth, adults and the elderly, while providing plenty of opportunities for friendship and activities.

About Us


Schedule for Divine Liturgy

Saturday - 5:00 p.m. Engl./Ukr.

Sunday - 9:00 a.m. Ukrainian

Sunday - 10:30 a.m. English

Слава Ісусу Христу!

Our parish worships in unity with  and under the direction of:
Most Holy Universal Pontiff Pope Francis, Pope of Rome
His Beatitude Patriarch Sviatoslav
Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Most Reverend Metropolitan Lawrence,
Metropolitan of Canada
Most Reverend Bishop Bryan Bayda
Rev. Dmytro Hancharyk


News & Events

We provide our families with an open door policy. Please feel free to contact us 24 hours a day.

St. George the Great Martyr Ukrainian Catholic Church

42 Lviv Blvd
Phone: 905-725-2617
Fax: 905-725-2619
Email: stgeorgeoshawa@gmail.com